Our History - Our Future

In 2027 we will celebrate 100 years since All Souls was consecrated.  

Were you or a family member married or christened at All Souls?  Do you have other links to the church?  

We'd love to hear from you.  Email us allsoulschurch@hotmail.co.uk


Over the weekend of 20th and 21st May in 2017 we celebrated our 90th Anniversary.   We had an amazing time of fellowship and celebration with our local community.  

The wet weather didn't put people off coming to visit our Saturday Fun Day viewing our historical displays and photographs, people loved looking through the registers.  We feasted on burgers and sausages and cakes.  Springwood Heath School delighted us with their Maypole Dance and we loved the Taekwondo Demonstrations.  The Great All Souls Bake Off was a huge success with our very own Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry as judges.  It was lovely to see so many people.  

Our Celebration Service on Sunday was a time of reflection and looking forward, chance to thank God for our church and for all who have been part of it.  It was great to be joined by Rev Graham Amey, Liz Storey and Andrew Colmer.  

Weekly Services: Sundays at 10:30am 




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