
Our Church and the CoronaVirus

The Church of England has given us clear advice on getting through this time, and after some discussion we'd like to share this with you all

  • We will offer only the bread/wafer at holy communion or just come forward for a blessing
  • For the next few weeks we wont be able to offer Wednesday Communion at 9.30am
  • We will be making other decisions about our Coffee morning, Make Lunch, Tots, and other social events in the next week.
  • We will continue our Sunday Services at 10.30am but there won't be any refreshments for the time being
  • We need to ask you to wash your hands when coming into church as this has been shown to be better than the hand sanitisers
  • We need to refrain from the usual hand-shaking greeting and the offering in the peace too

Self-Isolation is a bit of a lonely term, but it could help others more vulnerable.


Church of England Corona advice


NHS Corona advice


Take care and we hope you stay in good health and know God's presence and blessing.


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